Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Right, so nominations have closed, and we've decided to give this election commentary another go.

After the close of nominations, the following candidates have completed and returned their nomination forms.


Ruán Dillon McLoughlin: Going for a second time round, Ruán will clearly hope that people will have viewed his year in charge as a sucess. Remains to be seen if he runs as big a campaign as last year.

Paddy Rockett: Already off the blocks and campaigning, it's clear Paddy is going for a strong and forceful campaign. Will surely be hoping his heavy involvement in Class Reps and the SU aids him here.

Louise Clohessy: 4th year Law And Euro student, Louise has made sure her voice is being heard already in this campaign. Major problem may be having recruited too few campaigners, however. Hopefully she's gained some more than she had earlier in the week.

Nick Ryan: Has been canvassing students for their ideas on facebook for the past week. Clearly has the will for reform, and will be hoping for backing from Clubs.

Sharon Brosnan: A populare person on campus, Sharon remained coy about running until the last minute. Well respected in Clubs and Societes. One of the more engaging candidates.


Derek Daly: Another of the current sabbats chosing to re-run this year. Derek was elected quite convincingly last year, and has had quite a good year, so should surely be a strong candidate.

Daniel Reid: Linked with pretty much all the positions at some point, by his own admittance. Will be interesting to see why he chose Welfare. Was Community relations officer for a brief period this year.


Aoife: After a very strong year in the job, it appears noone was willing to try and dislodge her. Best of luck to Aoife in the year to come.


Finn McDuffie: 4th year Law and Euro, Finn has been heavily involved in An Focal and Pulse, as Sub-Editor and Features editor. A candidate in the same mould as the two Aoifes, running on experience.

Eoghan O'Brien: 4th year MMPT student, Eoghan is a well known member of Clubs and Societies, including heading Mountain Biking UL. Has also ran a Rag Radio online station in UL in previous years.


Vivion Grisewood: 4th year Science Ed, and the current Community Relations Officer, Viv has been quick out of the blocks to campaign. Active member of UL Rugby.

Lorcan O'Neill: 4th year Computer Engineering student, and current Faculties officer. Lorcan is a very active class rep, and also involved in numerous societies.

We'll be doing a more thorough run through of the candidates over the weekend. Let us know what you think.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Election Fever: The Predictions

So the polls are closing down, and all the candidates are wondering what to do with the hundreds of leaflets they still have left.

It's looking like turnout will hit maybe 2250 if they're lucky, so plenty of votes were up for grabs today.



It's looking unlikely that Eamonn will secure a second term in the S.U., with Ruán going for an absolute blitz today. Hard to see Eamonn or Mark pulling enough to take this from him.

Ruan: 52%
Eamonn: 33%
Mark: 15%


This one was fought a lot today, with all four making themselves seen on the ground. For sheer volume of numbers and sway on the ground, it's looking pretty certain that Emma is going to take this one.

Emma: 34%
Aoife: 28%
David: 24%
Huw: 14%

Emma elected on transfers after Huw and David eliminated.


This one is the most difficult to call, with Aoife seeming to take an early lead today, especially at the library and the Health Science. David appeared to be pegging her back all day however, and it's clear this is a difficult one to call. It easily could go either way. Sticking my neck out though, I'd go with;

Aoife: 50.5%
David: 49.5%

Campaigns and Services:

Both Darragh and Michelle had reasonably quiet campaigns today, with Michelle heard to admit that she thought it was beyond her. Fergal gave a huge push, and like Ruán, it'd be hard to see this going to anyone else.

Fergal: 49%
Michelle: 32%
Darragh: 19%

Most of these could easily be wrong, but it seems that's how the feeling is on the ground. Full results will be up later.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


A little bird has told me to expect a plague of garden Gnomes on campus tomorrow after all... Oh dear.


Right, so on to the hustings. First of all, remember that these aren't too relevant, as most people there have already made their minds up. Still, we saw some interesting stuff come out of this (not enough to merit nearly three hours of being cold outside the Stables,


From the offset, it seemed that this was going to be a calm enough part of the hustings. David gave a fairly decent speech, promised a few things without saying what they were, managed to work in his relevant experience. Likewise Aoife talked about her policies and her experience (although, sadly it was mainly off a sheet).Then the floor was thrown open to questions. It quickly became apparent that David didn't see Pulse in the SU's future. Or the paper really. We were informed about how bad An Focal is, how flawed the entire position is, and indeed how little he thought of An Focal in the last year, and we should move to the website instead. Ms. Breen must be delighted to know this.Things got even more bizarre when the current Sabbats starting intervening, with Pa O'Brien questioning if David understood exactly what it was he was running for.The final straw came when David was asked how he would decide on what gets printed. He said that he wanted to expand the talent pool, and use the best writers, to make a professional quality paper. He'd do this by printing only the highest quality articles. Interesting, as his manifesto states;

Anyone who submits a story will have that story published, I feel we needto move
away from being dependant on the the current clique of writers, who do agreat
job, but there's no way such a small group can really represent thecomplete view
of life in UL
Bit of contradiction there, surely?And as for Aoife, well, there wasn't much from her. She said the same things really as her manifesto, a bit of expansion. It's clear this girl needs to get a bit more fire however. Biggest mistake was claiming that An Focal was "The Union's paper" and that she "couldn't use it to criticise other Sabbats, as this would cause tension". To be honest, I assumed that An Focal was meant to serve the students, rather than the Sabbats. Or both, as David did point out.


Realistically, this wasn't a great event for either candidate. It was close enough, with David edging it before the questions. As the question portion of this pageant rolled on, David's tiara looked very shaky. By a small bit, I'd put this one for Aoife. In saying that, let me make clear that Aoife didn't win this, rather David managed to lose it.


The husts for CSO went much more smoothly.

Darragh Bourke opened with a relatively decent speech, usual stuff of better services, better campaigns, and the all-purpose "down with fees" malarkey at the end. Did himself good in general, but didn't really make anything to drag him back into the race.

Fergal had a speech of two halves, really. When he was on form, he was blazing, with some good ideas, and a pretty decent hold on the audience. When he wasn't, however, he had to be fed substantially by his campaign manager Paddy Rockett, both points and his facts. A lot more could have been done here.

Michelle did herself a lot of justice, and was the clearest speaker, very good manner, with a few decent points. The main problem with her speech was that it hinged on "What do you want me to do?". While this isn't a bad thing, it did make it seem as if she had few ideas of her own.

Which was something that lacked greatly from the CSO husts. While nobody made any huge errors (one would have thought Fergal would have acquitted himself slightly better), nobody did anything great either. All three (especially Michelle) had a tendency to avoid the question they were asked, which felt a bit of a cop-out.


This is a difficult one to call. For the most part, they said the same things, with no wildly different views appearing. Fergal played off the crowd well, but due to his huge flaws, I think that Michelle edged the hust. I don't see this having a huge effect on the overall campaign, however, with Fergal starting to really push out the boat with his campaign (more on that later).


For most supporters present, this was the big one (sorry, presidential hopefuls). As the candidates took the stage, it became apparent that they had all brought large teams for support, particularly Emma (how did she train that army so well?).

Aoife was the first to speak, and made a pretty good speech, outlining her policies and experience. She did well to make her voice heard, and dealt with most of the stuff you'd expect from an Education hopeful.

Emma definitely benefitted from her Debating past and found herself at ease on the stage ("I'm just here to have a chat about the Education Office". Bless.). She did very well at representing herself as "the fresh voice (tm)", and made a good speech about why she was running, and what she wanted to do.

David seemed very nervous for the most part, and did his best to stake his claim in the "I've seen the mistakes of the past" territory. Made a reasonable speech, needed more urgency in his voice though.

Huw was reasonable enough, however, he veered into "I should get it because I want it" country. We heard a lot about his class, and the fact that he was an Engineering student, but it didn't really tie in. Showed some good promise though (he told of how he secured a room for 24/7 study for his department as Class Rep).

The questions were a bit of a vague mess (damn this sudden interest in education!), and at times it seemed as if all gave the same answer. When asked about how to change class reps, both David and Aoife seemed to rely on their tenure as reason enough, while Emma spoke of her plan to emulate Galway's faculty seperations (unusual, an actual feasible solution!). Huw also decided to opt for the "I'm a class rep, I can fix the problem" answer.

The most interesting question was on the plebiscite, and how would the candidates vote. While all gave the obvious "No fees" as their preferred option, it was interesting to note that each went for a different second option (Aoife: Higher Tax, Emma: Student Loans, David: Graduate Tax, Huw: "There is no other option"). It's a shame that this seems to be the only real difference between all of the candidates.


While all four made decent points (often the same ones), it seemed as though Emma had a better grip on the entire thing. Not only did she speak well, but she brought in a lot of new, different ideas. So it would seem that Emma walked away with it.


At this point, we were two hours in, and it seemed to effect all of the Presidential candidates. None of the three seemed to show the strength of leadership the SU needs.

First up was Mark, who, despite his "unique" campaign so far came across as quite charming, and managed to get quite a good few points in. He painted himself clearly as the non-clique based candidate, and did himself a lot of good here. If only he'd had the campaign to match.

Ruán also did himself reasonably well, made good points, despite a good deal of hesitation in his speech. Needs to find some assertion if he is to be ULSU's next president.

Eamonn was the final candidate, and played on his current position and experience. Also took the rather strange route of claiming there's be be rape and murder if he wasn't elected. Well, not quite, but there was a large degree of scare-mongering to his speech. Focused far too much on negativity, it would appear.

The question session was quite interesting, with the usual issues coming up. All addressed the idea of safety quite well, but a question of "how would you fund better security?" was danced around by all three candidates. Eamonn took some heavy hits, particularly when one person questioned why he felt it only necessary now to offer this pay cut during an election (a harsh question, but a valid one).

Eamonn did do himself proud however, when a clearly loaded question was asked about what had the candidates given up for the week (the inference being clear that Eamonn had abandonded the students). While the two other lads gave the perfunctory "Skipping class/pushing back essays" answer, Eamonn declared that he had taken two days holiday for today and tomorrow, and was still answering emails, phonecalls, and any students that approached him, and defended himself admirably. It's a shame that he had to though, as it was clear the question was an attempt to derail him.


As with all of them, it was a pretty even battle. However, it seemed like a two horse race with Ruán and Eamonn out ahead. While Eamonn deserves praise for defending himself so well, it did appear that Ruán managed to just about take this one. Eamonn still is in with a fighting chance though.

Election Fever: Campaigns and Services

The last of the positions being contested this week is Campaigns and Services. Three people have thrown their name into the hat for this position;

  • Darragh Bourke
  • Fergal Dempsey
  • Michelle Lawlor


Darragh doesn't appear to have made any real attempt this week, with a lack of any presence on campus at all. Surprising, as he was one of the most vocal candidates before nominations closed. Needs to buck up his game soon. Also, running on an off-licence policy may grab votes now, but it's only going to lead to unhappy students when they don't get their offy on campus.


One of the slower campaigns to kick off, Fergal looked quite shaky on Monday, with only a bland block print poster. Tuesday saw his campaign come to life, with the Farmers' Market taken over by Fergal t-shirts and posters. Very well organised, Fergal has shown a real drive for this position. Also running an interesting apples and orange juice giveaway that seems to be helping him greatly.

Yet to see any of his actual policies, so I can't comment on them.


Now this is a good example of an unknown trying to make up the ground. Written off by many as soon as nominations were announced, she's made a decent enough fist of the campaign so far, with one amusing (albeit, mildly) poster, and one that lists her policies (the only one running for CSO that appears to have any yet). Not exactly setting the world alight, but a gimmick or two in the next couple of days could easily see this dark horse getting neck and neck with the race leader.


At this early point, Fergal seems to be building up a bit of steam. Michelle seems a bit behind, with Darragh fairly out of it. Right now, it's likely Fergal will be the victor here, with Michelle still having a chance of taking it from him.

Election Fever: Communications

Despite what some people tried to make out of it, the hoopla about David's nomination form turned out to be a non-issue, and hasn't had any effect on the campaign, despite some people claiming it would.

So, putting aside all that nonsense, the two candidates are;

  • David Dolphin
  • Aoife Ní Raghallaigh


After a fairly late start, David is finally beginning to have a presence on campus. Some eye catching posters, may not be the most flattering angle for the candidate (pun intended). Online, David has one of the strangest websites (what is a GPG Key anyway? And what does it have to do with Communications office? More importantly, does it hold the answer to Lost??). If this is his campaign website, it needs to be made more user friendly. Just because his Skynet friends may understand it, doesn't mean everyone else will. Doing a good job of making speeches at lectures and getting his voice out there. Still needs more.

David appears to be running on the traditional "I'm a fresh voice for the students" mantra. His manifesto heads quite dangerously into Breenie bashing territory. Some ideas quite interesting however, and it seems like he'd be the best option for solving the website. How does he propose being able to print every article, while

"Keep An Focal filler-free; turn it into a professional quality paper we can be proud of"?

Not something he appears to have thought through.

His campaign seems to be relying on support from Emma, however, with all his campaigners seeming to come from her army. How will he survive when Emma pulls them back to her own campaign for one last assault on Thursday?


A fairly decent start from Aoife's campaign. Hitting as much of campus as she can with a good variety of posters (ah, the time-honoured "candidate on the front of a newspaper" motif). Has a fair amount of people on the ground, several t-shirted people seem to be wandering around campus with manifestos. And sweets. Yes, the buying votes with sweets race has begun early this year, folks.

Good campaign overall, Aoife is clearly relying on her journalistic experience here. Some of her T-shirts are slightly flawed however. "Vote Aoife" isn't the best idea when two candidates are running with the same name (albeit for different jobs). Which Aoife do you mean? And for what job? Getting your name out there is fine, as long as someone else doesn't share it.

Policy-wise, she seems solid enough, there's no real fire-starting policy (in neither a good or bad way). Pays more attention to An Focal than David, it's clear to see where their backgrounds both lie. Has also been visiting as many lectures, if not more, than David. Hasn't made any killer blows yet. Needs to keep up with David on his website/ Clubs and socities promises.


As with Education, this isn't one we're comfortable yet to wholesale call a victory for. However, at this point, it's looking as if Aoife is ahead. Still all to be played for in this one.

(Non) Election Fever: Welfare

Due to the rather strange occurance of nobody wanting the job in the first place apparently, we now have news of several people coming out of the woodwork and wanting the job (perhaps everyone was afraid of the mighty Bubbles wanting to run again).

Rumours have been flying since nominations re-opened, with some seeming more likely than others:


A somewhat surprising entry, 4th Business student Derek is thought to have shown a keen interest in running for the job. Will this materialise into a full scale bid for the job?


Thought to be running for president last week, Law And Euro Student Aoife has made a last minute charge for Welfare. Aoife has been seen on campus with her nomination form, and is believed to be well into organising her campaign.


Tony was thought to be one of the people most likely to run last week (despite any reason to believe that), but it's yet to be seen if his interest in the position still exists (if it ever really did).


Current Out in UL president Mike was also believed to be running last week. His interest seems to be a lot more concrete this week, as he's been spotted collecting signatures on campus.


Deirdre, the current First Year Rep is the last of the three candidates thought to have been running last week. However, she ruled herself out before nominations closed last week, and appears to have done so once again.


Several other people have also been rumoured to want the job. For some reason, many of the first year class reps have been expressing an interest in the position, so there is a possibility we may see a few fresh faces in the final mix-up. Then again, the allure of their first ever RAG week may end up distracting them for now.

There's been rumblings of other students too, so it'll be interesting to see who actually is going to enter into the second round of elections this semester.